Don’t Call Me ‘Girl’

“In a culture where women are underpaid, are striving to make inroads, we should pay attention to how we address one other.” – Bonnie Greer, playwright and author

I am not content with being called a girl. Especially at work. As a grown woman, I expect to be treated as such. 

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Being the High Priestess…

My life is a little chaotic. So I’ve turned to the tarot for guidance and reflection. Every morning, I pull a tarot card asking “What do I need to learn today?” So many times in the last year, The High Priestess has shown herself to me in this way, accompanied by persistent goosebumps.  This seems to be […]

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Setting Boundaries

I have this problem saying “no” to people and projects. I also have a really hard time asking for help. Maybe it’s because I mistake myself for Wonder Woman or simply overestimate my capacity to complete the request. I notice that I love to correct people at work, simply for the sake of making sure […]

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